Bentwood Rocker Chair Charm
Our sterling silver Bentwood Rocker is approx. 7/8" high with 3D qualities. All charms have a compl...
Birthstone Drops
Nature's colors are beautifully highlighted on one side of the sterling silver bevel to give an...
Candelabra Charm
Sterling silver Candelabra charm with 3D qualities. This charm boasts 3 candles and is a great...
Chair Charm - Adirondack
Sterling Silver Adirondack Chair Charm with 3D qualities, approx 7/8 inch long.
Chair Charm Modern Style
Sterling Silver Chair charm, 50s style has 3D qualities, approx 3/8 inch tall.
All char...
Chair Patio Charm
Sterling Silver Patio Chair Charm with 3D qualities, approx 1/2 inch tall.All charms have a complim...
Charm Attachment Service
Been meaning to get those loose charms attached to your bracelet or want a more secure link for som...
Claw Foot Bath Tub Charm
Sterling Silver with 3D qualities, approx 3/4 inch tallClaw Foot Tub
Cleaning and Inspection Service
Our cleaning process requires your bracelet to be submerged in a mild jewelry cleanse...
Clock Intaglio Charm Vintage
Vintage, Intaglio, Reverse Painted Clock Charm features black numbers and a gold colored dial. Inta...
Computer Charm - Laptop mvbl
Just like a real laptop, our Laptop Computer Charm opens, with the bail attachment at the hinge.&nb...
Coo Coo Clock Charm
Sterling Silver Coo Coo Clock charm with 3D qualities, movable bottom, approx 7/8 inch tall.
Cup and Saucer Charm
Sterling Silver Cup & Saucer charm with 3D qualities, approx 1/2 inch wide.
Cup Mug Charm
Sterling Silver Cup Charm or do you say Mug charm! This charm has 3D qualities and is approx 3/8 i...
Cutlery Knife, Fork, Spoon Charm mvbl
Sterling Silver Cutlery charm with individual Knife, Fork & Spoon, moveable charm with 3D qualities...
Directors Chair Charm
Add this Sterling Silver Directors Chair Charm with 3D qualities, approx 1/2 inch tall to your char...
Door with Wreath Charm
Open the door on this charm to reveal a Christmas greeting "Merry Xmas"! Sterling silver charm with...